Saturday, January 12, 2008


This Badger, with wooden tone ring and all cherry wood, is for Johnny's Guitar teacher, nicknamed "Zoo". Patrick DeZeeuw surprised me at Johnny's first lesson--he told Johnny that a good student should never practice guitar! After the shock wore off, he continued to say, "practice is dull, we don't practice what we love, we PLAY. Lots!" I just have to agree with that approach. Zoo often surprises me; when he plays electric with Johnny, they play it LOUD, 'cos "that's how electric guitar is meant to be played". He is a gifted teacher who cares about his students with great depth.
In addition to being an excellent musician and song writer, Zoo is also an artist and landscape designer. Hope he enjoys his one-of-a-kind banjo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuck and Tammy,
Malcolm Muggeridge said that our work should be the "Expressed Illumined Essence of our God" and your work is just that. Wrote my first song on the "badger" last night and put it through the paces...drop D, open G, standard, and even played little slide. I like the shorter scale and the neck is smokin' fast. I will post a video of the new song tonight on